Tuesday 12 September 2017

Reading Venus by Delphin Enjolras

The lovely and talented author, Scarlett Knight, has made an excellent resolution to read a proper book (not from a screen) for an hour a day. I am as guilty as most, these days, of reading things on my Kindle and although it is very useful, especially when travelling, I do sometime feel guilty about possessing such a characterless digital device. I sometimes used to travel in the company of a senior banker from one of the UK’s major banks, and he always was reading from a vintage hardback edition of something. I was most impressed by this!  

There really is no substitute for a physical book and recently I bought the first three volumes of Ian Fleming's James Bond books, in lovely editions by The Folio Society, who still produce properly made and beautiful books.  Hopefully, they will do all of Fleming's Bond books with illustrations by retro-style English artist Fay Dalton

Delphin Enjolras (1857-1945) originally started as a landscape painter before focussing almost exclusively on his favourite subject of women, usually depicted naked and lit in interesting ways. When I read Scarlett's post this picture of a woman reading, her light draped in a red transparent fabric, lolling naked except for a flimsy wrap on a polar bear skin, sprang immediately to mind!  More of Enjolras' work another time.

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